I recently
noticed a Bible verse that is momentous and yet so simply put.
sea is his, for he made it; for his hands formed the dry land.”
God made the sea.
It’s that simple. No drum roll, no Bruno Mars
halftime show.
How do you or I make something that has never been?
We get the raw materials, like a pencil and paper, and we begin to “make” a
picture. What we draw, even if it’s just a scribble, has been done before. It
will be based on what already exists. When God made the sea, it was something
that didn’t exist previously. There was no picture or blueprint.
The sea was an original. God conceived it in His
mind and made it. He saw it, thought it, or whatever, but the sea in all its
massive systems, complex chemical makeup, and enormous volume, he made.
The Bible records, “And God
said, “Let the waters under the heavens
be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was
so.” What was
water? What was dry land? There had never been such a thing. God invented
something original.
Try to picture a new color.
Do you have that in your mind?
We can’t! There is a fixed range and we cannot conceive of
anything not on the spectrum. I cannot draw something that has never been known
by man. Everything I came up with would be based on something already made. We
live in that reality.
But in the beginning, God made stuff that was original and
had no precedent.
hands formed the dry land.” I can see his hands scooping out the sea beds
and pulling the earth into piles that became continents. I can see him pulling
up the Andes and the Himalayas with his fingers, and pressing a thumb to make
the Great Lakes. It’s almost as if he had fun with it? Imagine that, God having
fun? God smiling. God being nice. Hmmm, there’s a thought for you.
He first made the stuff, then he formed it. Most of the earth
is ocean. That was okay with God. Even the land he made is not all habitable.
Why are there desolate, uninhabitable stretches? Because that’s what his mind
conceived. That is what He did. “And God
saw that it was good.”
Apollo Astronaut Eugene Cernan, viewing the Earth from space,
said, “… there you are, the earth, dynamic, overwhelming, and I
felt that there was just too much purpose, too much logic, it was just too
beautiful to have happened by accident. There has to be someone bigger than you
and bigger than me, and I mean this in a spiritual sense, I’m not religious,
but there has to be a Creator of the universe…”
A God that
can create like that, - wow!
I think He can envision and create a positive
path for your life.
Look to the
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